The purpose of Communion is to commemorate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (“Do this in remembrance of Me.”). Communion also indicates and promotes the communion of believers with Christ.
Archive by Author
Day 29: Love Yourself (Matthew 22:37,39)
In order to love God and people fully, you must first love yourself fully. To forgive others fully, you must first forgive yourself.
Day 28: Consecrate (Joshua 3:5)
Consecration is going all-in and all-out for the All-in-all.
Day 27: Do What You Say (James 5:12)
Keeping your commitments is vital to building a good reputation. Letting your “yes” be “yes” and your “no” be “no” is much more important than most people realize.
Day 26: Completing the Turnaround
The Holy Spirit’s desire is to reverse the curse that had been perpetuated from generation to generation, and restore His lampstand to His covenant land and covenant people.
Day 25: Developing Citizens with a Biblical Worldview
Your worldview is the lens through which you view the world. The Greatest Commandment says you are to love God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength. The primary battle in your life takes place in your mind. You must have zeal with knowledge (Rom. 10:2). Romans 12:2 tells you to be transformed by […]
Day 24: Hate Evil (Proverbs 8:13)
Fear and hate are good! They are essential to success with God and men. Fearing God is hating sin. The fear of the LORD, a reverential desire to please Him, is measured by your hatred of the things He hates. Four sins are listed here in this proverb for you to hate, if you really […]
Day 23: Communion + Prayer for Justice Kavanaugh and President Trump
The primary purpose of Communion is to REMEMBER the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Another reason to take Communion is to indicate and to promote the communion of believers with Christ.
Day 22: Worship and Prayer over America
Prayer has value in itself. Worship has value in itself. When you combine (marry) prayer and worship deliberately, you begin to access realms you didn’t know were there.
Day 21: Die Daily (Galatians 2:20)
What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? What is this paradox that one can be crucified and live at the same time? What is this great truth that one can only live with Christ when one is dead? In the victorious Christian walk, life and death always coexist. The moment we cease to […]