Archive by Author

Day 30: Communion

27 Oct

The purpose of Communion is to commemorate the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ (“Do this in remembrance of Me.”). Communion also indicates and promotes the communion of believers with Christ.

Day 24: Hate Evil (Proverbs 8:13)

21 Oct

Fear and hate are good! They are essential to success with God and men. Fearing God is hating sin. The fear of the LORD, a reverential desire to please Him, is measured by your hatred of the things He hates. Four sins are listed here in this proverb for you to hate, if you really […]

Day 21: Die Daily (Galatians 2:20)

18 Oct

What does it mean to be crucified with Christ? What is this paradox that one can be crucified and live at the same time? What is this great truth that one can only live with Christ when one is dead? In the victorious Christian walk, life and death always coexist. The moment we cease to […]